About Me

Hi, my name is Tonmoy Goswami. I’m a computer engineer by education, entrepreneur by spirit, tech enthusiast by passion, artist at heart; a lifelong student in the school of life. 🙏

While some of the products I’m involved in building are used by millions of people every month, some of them were…well, good learning experience for me.

I share/retweet stuff I find interesting on Twitter. You may follow me at @protonycle. If you’re more of a visual person (and ❤️ travel pictures), say hello to me on Instagram at @tonmoy.jpg

A few of my memorable projects so far:

Storypick Media Private Limited (2013 – present)

Storypick is one of India’s leading internet news and entertainment companies.

Impact: Millions of readers every month, hundreds of brands trust Storypick to amplify their marketing campaigns.

Fun fact: Bootstrapped from zero to million+ dollars revenue.

Qonversa (2012)

A conversation platform for long-form discussions with the ability to invite participants from different social networks.

Impact: Got some traction, got selected into The Morpheus Gang program.

Fun fact: I quit my job to work on this full-time.

My Audition Dates (2011)

An audition classified portal. A platform that bridges the gap between Talent seeker and Talent. The talent seeker (production house, TV channels, modeling agency, casting directors etc.) could post & monitor auditions. The talent (actors, models, singers, dancers etc.) could search & apply for auditions.

Talents could also showcase their skills through photos and videos on their profiles.

Screenshot of newsletter sent to registered users

Impact: More than 600+ talent, agencies and casting directors signed up.

Fun fact: Apart from email, we used to send free SMS notifications to all registered users alerting them of upcoming auditions.

Feedbackyard v2 (2013)

Real-time mobile feedback utility for public speakers/events.

Product walkthrough

Impact: This bombed.

Fun fact: Learnt never to add features to your MVP before validating the riskiest assumptions.

Feedbackyard v1 (2012)

Mobile feedback management system for restaurants.

Impact: Two prominent restaurants in Pune were our pilot clients. Malaka Spice, Koregaon Park was one of them. We pivoted to v2 (mentioned above) after our pilot didn’t yield positive results.

Fun fact: The first feedback our pilot restaurant received was about a rat!

Cloud Admin Theme (2013)

An intuitive, feature-packed and well-documented dashboard admin+frontend theme built on the top of Bootstrap 3 & powered by more than 70+ plugins.

Impact: More than 1200+ buyers, 100+ comments, 4.69 avg rating. Over $ 33,000 (~25 lakh INR) in sales till date.

Fun fact: The theme ranked among the weekly top-sellers across the entire Envato marketplace.

Gorilla Quiz WordPress Plugin (2014)

A viral personality quiz plugin built in PHP, used exclusively by Storypick.

Actual quiz screenshot

Impact: Social media engagement and reach of Storypick went through the roof when we launched this plugin.

Fun fact: The most ‘viral’ story of 2014 was a quiz built on this plugin with a total pageview of 3.3 million+ and 500k+ social shares!

Find-a-nator (2009)

While working as a Programmer Analyst Trainee with Cognizant Technology Solutions (my first job right out of engineering college), I noticed that domain knowledge was concentrated with few senior members, while the rest of us struggled to find explanations to jargon/terms.

Hence, I created a nifty auto-suggest search tool made in Java+MySQL+Javascript. One could simply search and instantly find explanations of product/project/domain specific concepts.

Impact: My team lead was impressed and showed it to our Project Manager. The PM then asked me to give a demo to our Account Manager!

Fun fact: I got a rating of ‘Exceeds All (EA) Expectations’ (EA is the top most rating) during my performance review that year, just because of this tool.

Classified website for Guwahati city with Chat Rooms (1999)

During Yahoo Messenger era, I decided to compete with a Guwahati (my hometown) based chat room website by building my own classified site + chat room by integrating free utilities/services available online.

Impact: Got some traction but couldn’t sustain; the competitor copied my chat room widget and implemented it on their site.

Fun fact: I was 14 years old & everything happened over dial-up connection. What fun!

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