9 stories to read this weekend

I consume a lot of news on a daily basis. Most of them revolve around technology, startups, the Internet and entrepreneurship. I make it a point to share the best reads on Twitter. Why keep the knowledge to yourself, right?
To take this motive (of spreading insightful news) a step forward, I did a little tinkering and now I can easily curate a daily archive of my selected articles on Evernote. (hint: It’s as simple as attaching a hash to my tweets & ‘favoriting’ others)
I’ve decided to make it a habit of sparing a few minutes every Sunday and blog a short consumable list of the best reads of the week. Here’s the first ‘Sunday Must Reads’. Enjoy and if you like my selection, do follow me on Twitter.
About Tonmoy Goswami

Founder, Storypick.
Read • Travel • Create • Experience⚡

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